Sunday, November 14, 2010

Subscribe by email!

Over there on the right side of the page you can subscribe to this blog by email. You'll get an email whenever we update this blog. Don't miss a single scintillating post!


  1. I had a nice RSS thing going and it recently broke. Seems to be working after subscribing once again......

  2. @Kris: I feedburner-ized the RSS feed in order to do the email subscription thing, so that might have broken it. Sorry!

  3. My RSS thing also stopped functioning after "3 Cheers for Dad" post. But resubscribing hasn't fixed it for me. Why, oh why? (p.s. Hi Dan!!!!)

  4. scratch that. I clicked on the "subscribe in a reader" button to the right there, instead of trying to subscribe from within Google Reader. Think that did the trick!
