Friday, February 11, 2011

Thinking of Concepción

Yesterday we shared a bus ride with a volunteer firefighter from Concepción, the Chilean city hit hardest by the earthquake a year ago.  He's a friendly, humble college student on vacation with his girlfriend, and as we waited in the sunshine for the return bus from the beach, he told us of 4 days of backbreaking (and heartbreaking) work in the days following the earthquake, pulling survivors from the rubble and guarding the city's stores against looting.

Today while Theo and I were browsing in a bookstore, someone came in off the street and started talking about a new earthquake in Concepción.  The guy behind the counter turned on the radio and everyone in the store froze, listening to an eyewitness report from today's tremor.  While there were apparently no injuries, and they don't expect a tsunami, it clearly stirs up a lot of fear and bad memories among people all over this country.   Our wish for the folks in "Conce" is for a safe and quiet night's sleep.

We arrived in Puerto Varas today after a beautiful few days in Ancud, on the island of Chiloé.  More about that soon...
- Dan


  1. hola Amigos.
    Soy Nicolas , estoy junto a mi polola (my girlfriend). Estamos en Chillan , a una hora de Concepcion. El temblor se sintio muy fuerte, hubo problemas de comunicacion telefonica pero nada mas.

    Esperamos que sigan un muy lindo viaje!
    que tengan muy buen año!, avisame si van a Concepcion!
    un abrazo!


  2. Hola Nicolas! Gracias por mandarnos una nota. Nos alegre que todo esté bien con Uds. Espero que podamos visitarle en otro momento. Cuidense mucho. Laura y Daniel, y familia
