Sunday, January 16, 2011

list of things I like about chile.(a post for my class)

Hi everyone! Here is a list of things I like about Chile so far...(from Theo)
  1. the best desserts in the world!
  2. lots of mountains.
  3. right by the coast.
  4. a lot of pools.
  5. hot and sunny.(unlike Minnesota in January)
  6. lots of empanadas.
  7. it fits my criteria
  8. there's a metro
  9. it's summer break here!
  10. lots of teeter-toters


  1. ha, I read #10 as "Lots of teetotalers" and wondered how Theo was so tuned in to that! Love getting all the updates, keep them coming. EB

  2. Hi Everyone,

    I'm curious about those "best desserts" in the world. What are they and why are they so good? Gracie, are they better than Belgian waffles?

    Heard your voices tonight but it was garbled and couldn't make out what you said. Great just to hear your excitement.

    Love, Grandma Mary

  3. Great list, Theo. What do you mean it fits your criteria? What is your criteria?

  4. Hi Theo,
    What are your favorite desserts out of all of them? And what are some of your favorite pools? We wish you were here with our class. We miss you. It is not summer break here- that stinks! Today the temperature is at least 15 below zero. brrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!! We hope you are having a good time. It sure sounds like you are. Are you staying in a hotel or a house?
    From your classmates at Barton

  5. hi Theo i know i am one of your classmates but i have a question of my own about how many teeter totters have you seen?
